To return home after a busy day of work and to find yourself in a personal oasis. A quiet, peaceful, welcoming place with your own personality to call a home. An escape from the city, to dwell in a place of relief, having the feeling of staying in a hotel in Bali, or Hawaii or Brazil, but actually still being inside the cosmopolitan city.
This is our strength that we call “Urban Tropical”, the perfect mix between the city and the vacation spot in one environment – your home.
But not only. Our concept is very effective for hotels and B&B as well, as they are like a second home to some of us. The feelings of being welcomed and that of a home are very valuable when they are applied to offices as well. As there we spend many hours a day, offices must be the places of contentment, too. Or in a shop where one should feel good and welcomed in the shopping experience, or even at restaurants that want to offer comfort food or a sense of relaxation, holidays and good vibes.